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Abundance, Abundance Society, Singularitarianism, Singularity, Singularity Philosophy, Singularity Ready -

Preparing for the Singularity: The Imperative of Boosting Personal Intelligence Annually As we approach the era of the Singularity, as envisioned by futurists like Ray Kurzweil, the exponential growth of artificial intelligence poses unique challenges and opportunities. One critical aspect of adapting to this future is the deliberate enhancement of personal intelligence. Given the trajectory of AI development, it's proposed that individuals should aim to increase their personal intelligence by four points every year until 2050. This incremental growth is not just about raw cognitive power but encompasses a broader spectrum of intelligence, including emotional, social, and creative intelligence. This...

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AGI, AI, AI Ethics, Artificial Cognition, Philosophy, Singularitarianism, Singularity Ready -

We explore various philosophies and its principles to assess their appropriateness as guides in these accelerating exponential times  Singularitarianism  Singularitarianism is a philosophy that centers around the concept of the technological singularity, a hypothetical event in which artificial intelligence (AI) surpasses human intelligence and accelerates technological progress beyond human control. The philosophy proposes that the singularity will have a profound impact on humanity, leading to a new era of technological progress and the possibility of transcending our biological limitations. The principles of Singularitarianism include the belief that exponential technological progress will inevitably lead to the singularity, that the singularity will...

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