Singularity Readiness RSS

AGI, AI, AI Ethics, AI Models, Marxism, Philosophy, Singularity Ready -

We explore various philosophies and its principles to assess their appropriateness as guides in these accelerating exponential times  Marxism  Marxism is a political and economic philosophy that originates from the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It seeks to analyze and critique the capitalist mode of production and society, advocating for a transition to socialism and eventually communism. The core concepts of Marxism are historical materialism, class struggle, and the labor theory of value. Historical materialism posits that the economic base, or mode of production, determines the social and political superstructure. This means that changes in economic systems lead...

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AGI, AI, AI Ethics, AI Models, Artificial Cognition, Daoism, Philosophy, Singularity Ready, Taoism -

We explore various philosophies and its principles to assess their appropriateness as guides in these accelerating exponential times  Taoism Taoism, also known as Daoism, is a Chinese philosophical, ethical, and spiritual belief system that dates back to the 4th century BCE. It is based on the teachings of Laozi, the legendary author of the Daodejing, and Zhuangzi, another influential Taoist philosopher. The central concept of Taoism is the Tao or Dao, which is the natural, spontaneous, and eternal cosmic force that flows through all things. Taoism emphasizes living in harmony with the Tao, embracing simplicity, humility, and inner peace. It...

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AGI, AI, AI Ethics, Artificial Cognition, Philosophy, Singularitarianism, Singularity Ready -

We explore various philosophies and its principles to assess their appropriateness as guides in these accelerating exponential times  Singularitarianism  Singularitarianism is a philosophy that centers around the concept of the technological singularity, a hypothetical event in which artificial intelligence (AI) surpasses human intelligence and accelerates technological progress beyond human control. The philosophy proposes that the singularity will have a profound impact on humanity, leading to a new era of technological progress and the possibility of transcending our biological limitations. The principles of Singularitarianism include the belief that exponential technological progress will inevitably lead to the singularity, that the singularity will...

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AGI, AI, AI Ethics, Philosophy, Singularity Ready, Transhumanism -

We explore Transhumanism and its principles and their appropriateness for life in these accelerating exponential times Transhumanism Transhumanism is a philosophical movement that advocates for the use of technology and science to transcend the limitations of the human body, mind, and lifespan. The ultimate goal of transhumanism is to enhance human abilities and to create a post-human species that is superior to humans. Transhumanists believe that technology can be used to overcome aging, disease, disability, and even death, and that this will ultimately lead to a better, more advanced society. The primary concepts of transhumanism include the belief in the...

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Singularity Ready -

  Epoch 1 -Physics and ChemistryEpoch 2 - BiologyEpoch 3 - BrainsEpoch 4 -Technology   Epoch 5 - Merge of Technology and Human Intelligence We are currently in Epoch 5, Infusing our minds and bodies minds with technology until they merge and evolve humanity to godlike intellects and powers. Epoch 6 - The Universe Wakes Up Epoch 6 will expand the human-technology union to other lifeforms and eventually become with one with the stardust from which we all came.    

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