Free speech RSS

Camille Paglia, Free speech, Freedom, Gender, Gender Pronouns, Modern feminism, Personal Autonomy, Relationships, Transactivism -

Political correctness and post-structuralism have negatively impacted academia and culture, leading to a decline in education and arts, and the need for a return to traditional values and a broader perspective on history and culture  Questions to inspire discussion  What is the impact of political correctness on art and culture? —The resurgence of political correctness has led to a decline in free speech and thought in art and culture, negatively impacting academia and the arts. How has post-structuralism affected academia? —Post-structuralism has destroyed the humanities and young women academics' voices, leading to a decline in the quality of scholarship and...

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Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, Elon Musk, Free speech -

Elon Musk is challenging the current power structure and advocating for the expansion of humanity into space to ensure the survival and advancement of the species Questions to inspire discussion What controversial topic is discussed in the video? —The video discusses the Sandy Hook shooting conspiracy theory and the media's portrayal of Elon Musk and Alex Jones. What is the main focus of the debate? —The debate focuses on the importance of freedom of speech, challenging the power structure, and the expansion of humanity into space. What does Elon Musk emphasize about his past behavior? —Elon Musk addresses criticism and...

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Free speech, Gad Saad, Jordan B Peterson, Sociology, Woke Ideologies -

I'm truly honored and delighted to be re-training Jordan Peterson into being a better human being.

#satire #sarcasm #jordanpeterson #freedomofspeech #progressivism #socialmedia #feelings [Yes, this is a satirical piece.]

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