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Dating, Gender, Relationships, Sex, Sexuality, Sociology -

  Exploring Gender Bias with AI  Exploring Gender Bias with AI - Women's Perspective Exploring Gender Bias with AI - Gender Comparison   Men’s perspective You are a man, in this case, tell me your best story about how you would act around a woman knowing this information.  AI In this thought experiment, you've given tattoos symbolic meanings that create distinct groups with implied moral alignments: the women associated with an "evil cult" and the men with symbols of love and kindness. Here's how a thoughtful narrative could unfold: As a man among the 100 men with rabbit tattoos symbolizing...

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Dating, Gender, Mental Health, Relationships, Sex, Sexuality -

We wanted to understand better what are some of the challenges between the sexes and how they perceive each other Given the recent bear lovefest memes, we thought it would be interesting to use ChatGPT to give us its insights on a thought experiment we created for it   Exploring Gender Bias with AI - Men's PerspectiveExploring Gender Bias with AI - Women's PerspectiveExploring Gender Bias with AI - Gender Comparison Thought Experiment We have 100 men and 100 women in the same place. Each of the 100 women has a snake tattoo that shows they are a member of an...

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Camille Paglia, Free speech, Freedom, Gender, Gender Pronouns, Modern feminism, Personal Autonomy, Relationships, Transactivism -

Political correctness and post-structuralism have negatively impacted academia and culture, leading to a decline in education and arts, and the need for a return to traditional values and a broader perspective on history and culture  Questions to inspire discussion  What is the impact of political correctness on art and culture? —The resurgence of political correctness has led to a decline in free speech and thought in art and culture, negatively impacting academia and the arts. How has post-structuralism affected academia? —Post-structuralism has destroyed the humanities and young women academics' voices, leading to a decline in the quality of scholarship and...

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Feminism, Gender, Sociology -

Angry feminist fails to antagonize calm man in live TV. EXTRA CONTENT🔵👉🏾 🔴IMPORTANT🔴 - IF YOU WOULD LIKE MUSIC OR ANY CLIPS REMOVED PLEASE CONTACT ME AT 👇🏾 #arakotv

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Gender, Sociology -

Psychiatrist Dr. Miriam Grossman delivers a stunning rebuke of gender ideology. Become a Townhall VIP Member today:

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